


action #77956

Updated by okurz over 3 years ago

## Motivation 

 OpenQA supports showing parent group name when getting a job's details, and the pr has been deployed on o3, will be deployed on OSD this week. 
 If a job belongs to a parent job group, the parent job group name and id will been shown. 
 such as: 
 openqa-cli api --o3 jobs/1470855 --pretty 
    "job" : { 
       ... .... 
       "group" : "Development Tumbleweed", 
       "group_id" : 38, 
       "has_parents" : 0, 
       "id" : 1470855, 
       "name" : "opensuse-Tumbleweed-DVD-x86_64-Build20201113-create_hdd_textmode_ext4@uefi", 
       "parent_group" : "Development", 
       "parent_group_id" : 6, 


 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** All jobs below the parent job group "Development" are ignored regardless if "Development" is in the name of the child job group itself 

 ## Suggestion 
 maybe we could use the parent group name to check if a job belongs to `Development` in
