


coordination #77698

Updated by okurz over 3 years ago

## User Story 
 As a software stack developer I want to run synchronous qemu based tests in pull request CI runs to have system level test coverage before accepting PRs 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** Easy instructions how to run qemu based system level tests in any github project exist 
 * **AC2:** Scalable for multiple projects 
 * **AC3:** One example github PR or gitlab MR shows a successful test in action for any product or repository 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Experiment with local runs of isotovideo, maybe based on 
   * isotovideo supports setting all necessary test parameters on the command line but a file `vars.json` can be used as well 
 * Look into github actions and publish on github marketplace for easy inclusion 
  * you can start with and 
 * If the above is not feasible or as alternative create documentation describing how to use the proof of concept 
 * Try to have a generic solution that is not dependant on one specific CI provider but consider "polishing" it for at least one to be super-easy :) 
 * Also upload test artifacts, e.g. serial terminal log and video.ogv , e.g. see . was suggested by pdostal in
