


coordination #76960

Updated by SLindoMansilla over 3 years ago

## Motivation 
 - Goal: Reduce human effort reviewing failed jobs 
 - Problem: PackageHub is not available until BETA1, which causes non-sporadic failing test modules 

 ## Proposals 

 #### keep them failing during Alpha phase 
 - Pros: Take over bot can label consequent failures without human intervention once a job is labeled 
 - Contra: Software from supported SLE modules is not tested Red color during alpha phase for known bug 

 #### make them soft-failing during alpha phase and failing since BETA1 phase if PHub is still not available/working 
 - Pros: Non-red (orange) color during alpha phase for known bug 
 - Contra: There is no clean way to detect in a test module if we are in alpha phase yet 

 #### change test modules to not depend on PackageHub 
 - Pros: Proper testing of supported software during alpha phase 
 - Contra: Implementation requires big human effort
