


action #12246

Updated by okurz over 7 years ago

## observation 
 As stated by fcrozat in the linked openQA job has no X-related log files 

 ## problem 
 maxlin found out that curl fails to upload command 'curl --form upload=@/tmp/loadavg --form upname=first_boot-loadavg' 
 reason for that is so far unknown 

 ## suggestion 
 * if an restart the job, get into interactive mode, executing curl upload of a file fails, retry (e.g. up to 7 times), because manually at the webui same place if one can just be busy 
 * optional: try even harder on autoinst-log.txt because we need log in to know the other errors from there 

 ## further details corresponding worker 
 okurz looked into os-autoinst/ . In there there is `upload_file` but I don't know how * otherwise: download iso to properly reproduce the issue your local, it should reproducible, then doing "interactive mode" in your local environment or output more information to test it accordingly. screen instead, eg, curl debug mode
