


action #70633

Updated by favogt almost 4 years ago

## User story 
 As a test author and admin, I want to hook up test suites and see whether they work immediately. 
 Currently, after After editing test suites, medium types or job groups, the whole product has to be rescheduled to make the changes effective, effective. 
 which effectively restarts all tests, which is a waste of time. For instance, when adding a new test to the Development TW group, 
 rescheduling the product would also retest everything in the main TW group. 
 It would be useful to have an option which avoids creating new jobs if the previous one has idential settings, or somehow limit it in 
 some other way. settings. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * When creating a new test suite and adding it to a job group, a reschedule of the product would then only create jobs for 
 for the new test suite, for instance. A reschedule after editing a test suite would only affect jobs with that test suite.
