


coordination #70840

Updated by okurz over 4 years ago

## Motivation 

 ## Acceptance criteria 

 ## Suggestion 

 * clickable search results. We should link results, e.g. a job template links to the job group. results 
 * names of test suite database 
 * provides an external tool relying on database access but it can help to find out scenarios running a specified test module. 
 * add keyboard shortcut to reach search field, again maybe just like github 
 * optional: include job groups in search as well 
 * optional: add search qualifiers, e.g. "testsuite:<testsuite_search_term>" or "finished:<t_finished>" (for jobs) 
 * optional: extend for other stuff to search for, e.g. users, audit events, everything else we have in openQA … except maybe API keys and secrets ;) 
 * see for reference 
 * More potentially interesting match types: 
  * Needles 
  * Assets 
  * Bugs 
  * Job by job module 
 * mkittler also suggested we display the type of result, maybe as an icon.
