


action #14826

Updated by okurz over 7 years ago

### Observation 

 openQA test in scenario sle-12-SP3-Server-DVD-x86_64-migration_zdup_offline_sle12_ga_allpatterns+workaround_deps@64bit fails in 

 ### ## Reproducible 

 Fails since (at least) Build [0057]( (current job) 

 ### ## Expected result 

 Last good: [0057]( (or more recent) 

 ### Problem 

 H1. we are still in bootup and are switching too fast to text terminal, then DM switches back to focus -> E1 
 H2. console never shows up 

 ### suggestion 

 * E1. reproduce locally and wait a bit before calling `select_console` 
 * add logs gathering to `setup_zdup` step 

 ### ## Further details 

 Always latest result in this scenario: [latest]( 
