


action #69175

Updated by riafarov almost 4 years ago

See motivation in the parent ticket. 

 As of now we test default first boot file by just touching file or enabling it in autoyast:        assert_script_run 'touch /var/lib/YaST2/reconfig_system'; 

 For this scenario we should provide custom firstboot.xml (which is located at /etc/YaST2/firstboot.xml) and enable firstboot_hostname client in it: 
        <label>Host Name</label> 
        <enabled config:type="boolean">true</enabled> 

 It would make sense to create new scenario which we will extend later with other clients. 


 ## Acceptance criteria 
 1. `firstboot_hostname` client is enabled in one of the test scenarios for TW and SLE 
 2. hostname setting is validated in the configured system 
 3. test plan is updated accordingly 
