


coordination #69130

Updated by riafarov almost 4 years ago

As requested by YaST team we could add more steps on our firstboot scenarios [Trello card]( 
 At the moment we have: 
  - [yast2_firstboot]( 
  - [autoyast_y2_firstboot]( 

 Both are using default firstboot.xml, which is created once the package is installed in the system. 
 With a custom firstboot.xml we could guarantee that more, called [clients]( which are the menu that we see on the left during firstboot wizard are working fine. 

 We could just edit in the systeml /etc/YaST2/firstboot.xml. See documentation: 
 In particular there was a bug with hostname, so we should enable it in the control file: and some other clients. 

 Note: for editing on AutoYast we might need embedded script so maybe we could just consider to do it in the other test suite before rebooting. 

 As of now we cover only yast clients which are enabled by default. 
 Motivated by and  

 Here we can see full list of available clients: 

 There is refactoring of the first boot functionality planned, so we should clarify the requirements. 
 All the clients cannot be enabled in one test suite as some of them conflict with each other, so we will need to split it to multiple scenarios. 
