


action #69148

Updated by okurz almost 4 years ago

## Observation shows 

 [10:34:59] t/ui/10-tests_overview.t ............... ok     130578 ms ( 0.21 usr    0.02 sys + 29.77 cusr 87.83 csys = 117.83 CPU) 
 [10:37:10] t/ui/12-needle-edit.t .................. 3/? [10:37:10] t/ui/12-needle-edit.t .................. 4/? [10:37:10] t/ui/12-needle-edit.t .................. 5/? [10:37:10] t/ui/12-needle-edit.t .................. 6/?                                                            [10:37:10] t/ui/12-needle-edit.t .................. Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) 
 Failed 1/6 subtests  
 [10:41:45] t/ui/13-admin-no-login.t ............... ok     123534 ms ( 0.03 usr    0.01 sys + 27.36 cusr 89.84 csys = 117.24 CPU) 

 with no details which we had some time ago, probably around 2020-03 and earlier. The tests tab does not show any details either, probably because the job timed out 

 ## Acceptance criteria 

 * **AC1:** The circleCI log not only shows the summary but details about the failure, i.e. every failure that was reported, though not the verbose test output 

 ## Problem 

 Clearly a regression as this worked in the past. Maybe due to our change to add the "--merge" parameter on prove? 

 ## Suggestions 

 * Research in past logs to see if we can still find references of old jobs 
 * Check how tests look locally 
 * Play around with parameters, e.g. "--merge" which one we need and how they behave 
 * Fix it :)
