


action #68254

Updated by riafarov about 4 years ago

## Description 
 We continue extending coverage on powerVM, based on the priority provided in 

 We already have quite some test suites related to the storage enabled, so it's time to cover other things. 

 NOTE: gnome is not important on powerVM as is not used there according to our knowledge, so we should not test it. 

 As test suite doesn't conduct installation (exits after start install), we might face some issues on powerVM. If that's the case, we can either conduct the installation, as we plan to validate disk selection in future, or try to adjust code so that we can shutdown VM properly in the middle of installation. 

 Alex already has set `+DESKTOP=textmode` for powerVM on the machine level. 

 For this scenario we should use machine called `ppc64le-hmc-4disk`. 


 ## Acceptance criteria 
 1. select_disk scenarios are enabled on powerVM with validation modules 
 2. Installations are conducted for textmode (no gnome) 
 3. Test scenario is configured to start after same scenario succeeds on power KVM 
 4. Test plan is updated accordingly
