


action #67708

Updated by riafarov almost 4 years ago

Scenario to detect failures YaST logs is failing with a critical error described in bug: 
 The problem is written in the logs before registration happens, so it is harmless because it is normal that the package is not available at that phase without basemodule being registered.  
 Therefore we need to whitelist this issue. It will require to update the code for the log parser, due to for non-critical error there is existing code to whitelist, but not for critical error or error shown in the badlist. 

 ### Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** Job is soft-failing showing error aforementioned 
 * **AC2:** Bad list and failure of the module do not look red/failing 
 * **AC3:** Follow-up ticket is created to revert the change, so we don't forget to do so 

 ### Suggestions 
 Take a look to the parser and try to come up with similar solution that is than for non-critical error plus some adjustment probably will required regarding the badlist content. 

