


action #32581

Updated by SLindoMansilla almost 4 years ago

## Reproducible Observation 

 - Fails since Build **183.5** openQA test in **scenario sle-15-Installer-DVD-x86_64-textmode@svirt-hyperv** scenario sle-15-Installer-DVD-x86_64-textmode@svirt-hyperv fails in 
 - Current occurrence: [202.5]( 
 - Expected result: [202.6]( 

 ## Suggestions [accept_license]( 

 - Ensure that It looks like it is not able to click on Next button. Perhaps (just guessing) loading of the VNC client window has License content sometimes takes more time and interfere with speed we send the proper size shortcut to fit 
 - File a bug the VM. Require gather statistics (run the job many times and see if the bad resolution it is caused by reproducible to adapt the product test in some way). 

 ## Reproducible 

 Fails since (at least) Build [486.4]( 

 ## Expected result 

 Last good: [482.3]( (or more recent) 

 ## Further details 

 Always latest result in this scenario: [latest]( 
