


action #66544

Updated by SLindoMansilla about 4 years ago

## Motivation 

 The installation of all patterns during OS installation is already covered by #66541 
 To save resources and easy test suite maintenance, this test suite should be split into: 

 - extra_tests_textmode_allpatterns 
 - extra_tests_gnome_allpatterns 

 Which would cover if installing those patterns is possible after SO installation with default SLE modules enabled. installation. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 

 - **AC:** The test suites **extra_tests_textmode_allpatterns** and **extra_tests_gnome_allpatterns** perform the same post installation tests as test suite allpatterns 


 ## Tasks 

 1. Create test suite **extra_tests_textmode_allpatterns** 
    - `START_AFTER_TEST=create_hdd_textmode` 
 2. Create test suite **extra_tests_gnome_allpatterns** 
    - `START_AFTER_TEST=create_hdd_gnome` 
 3. Unschedule test suite **allpatterns** from "SLE15-SP2: Functional" job group.
