


coordination #34357

Updated by okurz about 4 years ago

This is a general topic. The purpose of this ticket is mainly *identifying* performance issues which are slowing down work with openQA. It also already gives a few hints how we could deal with them (feel free to extend the list). 

 ### Tasks 

 1. Identify performance issues in openQA. 
     * Consider the 'test writer workflow', which involves restarting jobs quite often. Just try to create a new test and pay attention to performance issues in particular. 
     * Beside the web UI, also scheduler and worker performance are important (eg. for restarting a job). 
 2. Investigate the issues in detail. 
     * Measure SQL performance. 
     * Enable nytprof for server-side profiling. (Be careful, this tool generates *lots* of data!) 
     * Use web-developer tools to for client-side profiling. 
     * ... 
 3. Fix issues 
     * Avoid polling. (We already use websockets and similar ways to avoid it, but not in all places where it might make sense.) 
     * Optimize database queries. 
     * Make use of lazy loading where it makes sense. 
     * ... 

 It is likely most appropriate to create separate sub tickets for tasks 2. and 3. when concrete issues are identified. 

 ### Issues I'm already aware of 

 * DONE: ~~The The markdown renderer is *very* slow. It is the main reason pages containing lots of comments are slow. Adding a pagination on the group overview already provides a workaround. But still, why is it so horribly show?~~ -> show? 
 * DONE: ~~Loading Loading the 'All tests' page is also a bit slow. Note that enabling server-side rendering for this full-featured table didn't help much (when I tried it).~~ it). 
 * DONE: ~~The The time to restart a job has gotten worse since recent changes. This is annoying when having to restart a job quite often (locally). Definitely needs investigation.~~ investigation. 
 * DONE: ~~The The interactive mode is a mix of being broken and just slow.~~ slow. 

 Feel free to add more from your experience.
