


coordination #65271

Updated by okurz about 4 years ago

* Offer a way for jobs to dynamically schedule children #12876 
 * Offer publishing a snapshotted qcow from developer mode: "Lea has trouble reproducing a bug reported from openQA and Tim would like 
 to help by providing a snapshot of a VM reproducing the bug. For this Tim goes into developer mode, pauses at the module, triggers 
 the bug even by stepping through the test or by doing it through VNC to then publish a snapshotted VM on openqa." #41045 
 * In order to aid debugging when watching the video recording of a test it would be nice to display other information at the same time such as, line of test executed, key presses and mouse movements sent to the SuT, serial output from the SuT, misc measurements depending on backend such as cpu load, power consumption etc.    For that to work the information could probably be embedded into the video using streams and then displayed in the browser by using some javascript #34345 
 * shows a wrench icon next to "Untracked" linking to which yields "Not Found" 
 * Supply data folder to qemu VMs using instead of extracting a data folder for all tests 
 * Document data structures of files written by os-autoinst, As part of our retrospective we covered how the failures discovered in #57419 were handled, and the data structures should be better documented #64117 
 * Validate input in WebUI (testsuite names etc.). Currently it is even possible to add a testsuite ' '. The rules should match those of the jobtemplate editor #62861 
 * worker complains about "empty" workers.ini with error but works just fine regardless with default worker class #59294#note-2 
 * proposal: link to staging dashboards and maintenance incidents with links in settings page. With #15384 resolved we can followup with the original idea to link to staging dashboards or maintenance incidents. What about putting something like STAGING_DASHBOARD= on for "Server-DVD-D-Staging" and accordingly for other projects? We could do it with ObsRsync as well I guess. #58025 
 * make sure os-autoinst multi-machine docs are referenced (and not duplicated) in . has some information. has more but seems to be not referenced on the former. Also is nice but also does not seem to be referenced anywhere #54782 
 * Allow running tests of openQA itself in parallel. There is already the file testrules.yml in the openQA repository which lists tests which are supposed to be able to run in parallel. It would be nice if there was a Makefile target which allows to run tests in parallel according to that list. Note that the -j flag has no effect on the current test target. #53954 
 * Add a description to every OpenQA module. In i've proposed that we add at least some very basic documentation to every Perl module in the openQA repo (Synopsis and Description). And i think we've reached agreement that this is a reasonable first step towards making it easier for new programmers to get started with working on the openQA code. #45293 
 * [tools][s390x] Extend 'expect_3270' functionality to provide similiar Info output as 'wait_serial' does. In consoles/ is the 'wait_serial' implementation for s390-zVM which works quite well, but compared to wait_serial it's not providing well visualized output like here: #25188 
 * Improve documentation and usage examples of AMQP plugin. Since #15086 we have a AMQP plugin and we already use it for internal IRC notifications. Our documentation does not mention this anywhere and also there are no examples available or referenced in the openQA repo itself. **AC1:** The use of the AMQP plugin should be covered by at least one of documentation, example, reference implementation #27841 
 * Hyper-V relies on NFS to get images. On Hyper-V images are copied from ad hoc mounted NFS server to local cache on disk D. See bootloader_hyperv. #32299 
 * Add automated check for isotovideo::INTERFACE . To avoid situations where changes to the testapi or [locking api]( don't bump the interface version, a check should be added. As a very rudimentary idea could be looking for changes in those two modules (looking for the subs, check if there is one more in comparison to the previous version? and then simply fail the test if there's no change to the interface version either. #36250 
 * Display the command to spawn a VM for virtualization backends. Certain backends use a command to spawn a VM that a test developer or a third party would be interested in using to spawn/respawn the VM, regardless of the backend (Qemu for now would be the main target). Having the webUI to display the command used to spawn the vm would be helpful. #36601 
