


action #12912

Updated by okurz almost 8 years ago

disk space depleted, coolo cleaned up. Why no monitoring? asked on #infra --> which needs special permissions, but works; asked again on #infra: [16/06/2016 10:23:34] <okurz> hello, who can help with monitoring of It is monitored by nagios but it seems there is no notifications on email or similar. Can this be enabled? can the infra-bot also tell on that? or can we have a nagios notification in another irc channel? 

 <URL: > 

 Am 2016-07-23 20:20, okurz schrieb: 
 > > => no output from the bot in the qa-review channel. I guess we need 
 > > to coordinate what should be in the context sent to the bot. Can you 
 > > sent me some examples output? 
 > Well, the bot does not yet support any of these features. So far I 
 > just started a listening netcat myself. Is this IRC notification custom 
 > built or part of nagios? 

 Nagios will just sent anything you like to anything you can configure  

 The bot we use at #infra is a Supybot. 

 > So who can assume to see what notifications under which circumstances? 
 > I would like to inform others but I don't know on what, yet. 

 service_notification_options w,u,c,r 
 host_notification_options d,r 

 Any service that is: 
 * warning 
 * unknown 
 * critical 
 * recovered 
 and any host that is: 
 * down 
 * recovered 
 will trigger a notification. 

 "common admins" should be subscribed by email for the more important notifications but Lars did not further answer my question. I can take a look into IRC notifications some time. 

 For o3 the ones that should receive a monitoring alert are: lnussel, rbrown, coolo, okurz, dleuenberger, mlin 

 ## further details 

 ### literature 

 * nice article [My Philosophy on Alerting]( 
