


action #13904

Updated by okurz almost 8 years ago

## User story 
 As a reviewer of tests on the test overview page I want the test suites names in the table rows to be links to metadata pages to gather more information what the test suite is for and who is taking care 

 ## acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** test suites can have links to external pages 
 * **AC2:** if a test suite has a link (e.g. in the test suite table as an entry) the link is shown on `/tests/overview` 

 ## tasks 
 * <del>come come up with a convention for a variable name which can be put in each test suite</del> suite 
 * add database field for description/maintainer/link 
 * add ui way to add content for this field 
 * if the <del>variable</del> description variable is set, render the test suite name as `a href…` 
 * documentation or best practices for SUSE workflow in a wiki
