


coordination #62420

Updated by okurz over 4 years ago

## Motivation 
 As a test reviewer I want to understand the reason for incompletes so that I know who should do what to fix it 

 ## Acceptance criteria 

 * **AC1:** All incompletes provide more details about the reason for the incompletion 
 * **AC2:** Types of incompletes are distinguishable without needing to read logs 
 * **AC3:** The incomplete reason is visualized in the UI (not only in logs) 
 * **AC4:** If the reason is not known all available log details are accessible from the job 

 ## Acceptance tests 

 * **AT1-1:** Given an incomplete job, When reading out the job from the openQA database, Then the incomplete reason is given 
 * **AT1-2:** Same as AT1-1 but for a failed job, Then no incomplete reason is given 
 * **AT2-1:** Given an incomplete job, When reading out the job over the API, Then the incomplete reason is rendered 
 * **AT3-1:** Given an incomplete job, When showing job details in the webui, Then the incomplete reason is visible (not only in logs) 

 ## Suggestions 

 * Check were "setup failure" and other results are provided and when no further details from other services, e.g. cacheservice, and ensure that there is a hint about the problem source. 
 * Extend the API to also accept the incomplete reason 
 * Extend the UI to also show the incomplete reason 
 * Split "setup failure" into more specific types 
 * Also for example we use "setup failure" in multiple cases but do not forward the result to the webui except in the log files as strings. In the case here we do not even have any information string that would point out what the real problem was or is, e.g. at least show the available logs or even extract log excerpts but I guess we already have this covered by showing the logs in the details tab when there is no other information available. 

 ## Further details 

 What to do when we asked the systemd service to stop because we want to reboot the machine? IMHO we should abort as fast as possible on TERM but provide a better information. This and all the experiences with different sources of incompletes from the past months brings me to the conclusion we just want to pass the internal "reason" we already have on the worker to the webui, e.g. "setup-failure" as we already have. And "worker-shutdown" can be another reason. Based on the reason we can also decide if we should auto-duplicate. For a "compilation-error", no retrigger, for "worker-shutdown" yes. 

 Started as ticket "Improve reporting on incompletes with result "setup-failure" and no further explanation". 

 See #62237 . There were many incompletes with not much details, e.g. shows just 

 [2020-01-17T10:56:50.0830 CET] [info] [pid:110583] +++ setup notes +++ 
 [2020-01-17T10:56:50.0830 CET] [info] [pid:110583] Start time: 2020-01-17 09:56:50 
 [2020-01-17T10:56:50.0830 CET] [info] [pid:110583] Running on QA-Power8-5-kvm:6 (Linux 4.12.14-lp151.27-default #1 SMP Fri May 10 14:13:15 UTC 2019 (862c838) ppc64le) 
 [2020-01-17T11:01:50.0997 CET] [info] [pid:110583] +++ worker notes +++ 
 [2020-01-17T11:01:50.0998 CET] [info] [pid:110583] End time: 2020-01-17 10:01:50 
 [2020-01-17T11:01:50.0998 CET] [info] [pid:110583] Result: setup failure 
 [2020-01-17T11:01:51.0002 CET] [info] [pid:21796] Uploading autoinst-log.txt 

 ## Acceptance criteria 

 We have the * **AC1:** All incompletes with result "setup failure" or "setup-failure" as it provide more details about the proper error source 

 ## Suggestions 

 * Check were "setup failure" is also used provided and when no further details from other services, e.g. cacheservice, and ensure that there is a hint about the problem source. 

 ## Problem 

 We use "setup failure" in multiple cases but this is worker-internal and do not forwarded forward the result to the webui. webui except in the log files as strings. In the case here we do not even have any information string that would point out what the real problem was or is.
