


action #11052

Updated by okurz almost 8 years ago

## user stories 
 * As a developer working on bugs I want to have access to the original jobs used for reporting to better understand the original issue of a bug 
 * DONE: As a QA SLE product manager I want to be able to easily find results from older important builds to review for documentation reasons like I am used to with testopia 
 * As a user of assets on an openQA server I want these assets to stay around for longer for tagged builds to prevent the asset getting lost while I am still relying on it, e.g. for bug investigation 

 ## acceptance criteria 
 * jobs "tagged" are kept around longer than non-tagged jobs 
 * DONE: a UI-only way exists to show only important builds but also including ones that are older than 14 days -> [gh#807]( 
 * assets, e.g. isos, of tagged builds are not cleaned as agressively as untagged builds 

 ## tasks 
