


action #59193

Updated by riafarov over 4 years ago


 It is possible to enable some nfs share during installation, so autoyast supports it. We could automate the testing of this. 

 Scope is SLE 15 SP2 only.  

 Acceptance criteria 

 - A test suite with nfs share created in autoyast exists 
 - Mount of nfs share is validated in the end of installation 
 - Generation of the profile is also validated in the SUT 


 - In a VM that fits our tests, add a nfs share ( this will do: echo " 	  /mnt 	  nfs 	   defaults 	 0    0" >> /etc/fstab ; mount /mnt ) 
 - generate an autoyast profile with yast2 clone_system 
 - create a test suite that installs a system with that autoyast profile, then verifies that the nfs share is mounted after install. 

 We can reuse MIRROR_NFS variable to be mounted (nfs share on osd). 
 Autoyast documentation can be found here: 

 Don't forget to update [test plan]( 
