


action #60092

Updated by ggardet_arm over 4 years ago

## Observation 

 openQA test in scenario opensuse-Tumbleweed-DVD-aarch64-autoyast_gnome@aarch64 fails in 

 On slow workers, 'installation' from autoyast_gnome test exit when it reaches tty1 whereas it should wait until gnome desktop is shown (and also opensuse-welcome screen). 
 So, we probably need more time before performing this check, or rework the checks/needles. 

 This lead to a failure on next module (console) because boot is not finished and switch to tty6 is not doable at this time. 

 ## Test suite description 
 INFO: Until it is possible to remove the opensuse_welcome module from, this test suite needs EXCLUDE_MODULES=opensuse_welcome (See for more information) 

 ## Reproducible 

 Fails since (at least) Build [20191119]( (current job) 

 ## Expected result 

 Last good: [20191109]( (or more recent) 

 ## Further details 

 Always latest result in this scenario: [latest]( 
