


action #12956

Updated by okurz almost 8 years ago

## acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1**: Every new Krypton x86_64 build is tested on o3 

 ## tasks 
 * DONE: get Krypton to run locally -> http://lord.arch/tests/2376 
 * publish updated tests/needles 
 * create new job group(s) 
 * implement trigger solution based on every change in the file in the download repo, i.e. if the name of the ISO changes 
 * optional: test result feedback to OBS (see #12956#note-1 and #12956#note-2) 
 * optional: use for marketing (see #12956#note-1) 

 ## open questions 
 * should there be just one job group for all Krypton/Argon or two, one for Krypton, one for Argon, one even more because there are different variants of these, e.g. "Krypton stable"? 
   -> Krypton and Krypton stable shouldn't differ except for needles which might apply for Krypton before they will match Krypton stable during a later test run (when the stable build is updated to a former unstable) 
  * so how should we structure the Krypton/Krypton stable/Argon tests 
  * I propose ENV-FLAVOR-Krypton, ENV-FLAVOR-Krypton_stable, ENV-FLAVOR-Argon 
  * do we need a variable group all "noble gases"? e.g. "ENV-KDE_UNSTABLE-1" 

 ## further details 
 All images that we want to test are available under 

 * what are the differences between openSUSE_Krypton_stable.x86_64-5.7.0-Build11.24.iso    and openSUSE_Krypton.x86_64-5.6.90-Build4.51.iso    on 
   -> Krypton is latest git, Krypton stable latest release (beta, rc). The version number has to be hardcoded in the kiwi file any nobody updated that yet. fvogt updated kiwi file in this case 
 * how should openQA tests be triggered? -> okurz: I assume every change in the file in the download repo, i.e. if the name of the ISO changes 
   -> yes 
 * can we feed back openQA results to OBS or the ones responsible for building Krypton/Argon? 
   -> would be great, see #12956#note-1 and #12956#note-2 
 * can we promote this better, e.g. blog about it? 
   -> see #12956#note-1 

 ## further details 
 All images that we want to test are available under
