


action #59852

Updated by mkittler over 4 years ago

The worker's logic to prevent job execution when the QEMU from the previous test run hasn't been terminated was broken (see #56993). 

 This has already been fixed but showed that `Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess` is unable to stop QEMU in all cases. Even with version 0.24 I could reproduce that very sporadic issue (on my Tumbleweed system). 

 I also observed that the CGroup feature might be broken, see my comment in #56993: 

 > With this fix it at least creates the cgroup and passes it to the Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess::Container thing. But I've just checked whether this has any actual influence on the cgroup tree (systemd-cgls) but it seems isotovideo and its forks including QEMU are just within the usual session-2.scope. 

 The could be the cause why `Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess` is sometimes unable to stop QEMU.
