coordination #52949
Updated by SLindoMansilla over 5 years ago
We introduced openQA tests for RPi3 (using general aarch64 QEMU workers) on SLE15-SP1 product which are using only textmode "initialization" process based on jeos-firstboot services (as other JeOSes does).
But now we started with SLE12-SP5 which is using original SLE12 method with X11 graphical yast2-firstboot service. And of course the JeOS tests are failing in openQA then, see
So basically we would need to add support for JeOS openQA tests to be able test graphical as well as textmode image initialization methods for upcoming products like SLE12-SP5 and SLE15-SP2 and up.
There is a small chance we will switch all upcoming SLE12 images to use the textmode jeos-firstboot but it's still not clear so please stay tuned - afaerber said on 12.06.2019: I raised the topic for the PRD but am not aware of a clarification yet.
## Tasks
1. Adapt test module firstrun to handle yast-firstboot in graphical mode.