


action #57668

Updated by riafarov over 4 years ago

See motivation and more details in the parent ticket. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 1. There is AY profile which has setup based to be discussed on suggestions 
 2. Installation is validated (especially partitioning) refinement 

 ## Suggestions 
 1. Create automation containing 4 hds using two multidevice btrfs, one mounted on / and one mounted on /test.  
 2. Combine partition-less disks with partitions. 
 3. Include an encrypted disk. 
 4. Validate setup with commands like `df -h`, `lsblk` and specifically useful `btrfs` commands (Check screenshot in #54683 for more info) 
 4. Cover openSUSE and SLE-15-SP2 
 5. Consider other architectures. 

 We can install the system as proposed, clone it with autoyast and then re-use partitioning section. `yast2 clone_system` 
 We will start with Tumbleweed and once thing with new medium for SLE 15 are settled down - apply it for SLE 15 SP2.  
