


action #12344

Updated by okurz almost 8 years ago

## observation 
 svirt based tests can die when booting before rebooting after installation because the image is unusable, e.g. see 

 Domain openQA-SUT-12 defined from /var/lib/libvirt/images/openQA-SUT-12.xml 

 20:13:09.4589 Command's stderr: 

 20:13:10.7595 Command's stdout: 

 20:13:10.7596 Command's stderr: 
 error: Failed to start domain openQA-SUT-12 
 error: internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: 2016-06-13T20:17:10.483081Z qemu-system-s390x: -drive file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/openQA-SUT-12.img,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0,format=qcow2: qcow2: Image is corrupt; cannot be opened read/write 

 20:13:10.8867 # Test died: 
   'args' => [], 
   'console' => 'svirt', 
   'function' => 'define_and_start' 
 virsh start failed at /local/os-autoinst/consoles/ line 392. 

 also seen in 

 ## steps to reproduce 
 Run zkvm tests often, happens in about 3/20 runs, at least in my setup. 

 ## problem 
 H1. specific to my openQA+reserved_s390x@zkvm worker (, VIRSH_GUEST=, VIRSH_INSTANCE=12) 
 H2. the s390x guest is "reused" or the image is cleanup up by someone else 
 H3. out of disk space and return value of qemu-img command is not properly checked? 

 ## suggestion 
 We could improve the check for the image being present before we try to access it again after reboot. 

 ## workaround 
 sporadic, so retrigger
