


action #10784

Updated by okurz about 8 years ago

## user story 
 As a test distribution developer using openQA I want to execute my tests in a safe and fast environment to catch early mistakes before executing anything on a productive server or real hardware 

 ## acceptance criteria 
 * "os-autoinst-distri-example" or "os-autoinst-distri-opensuse" can be executed locally without relying on any real worker 

 ## tasks 
 * maybe a simple first step could be to check importability of as is done by isotovideo 
 * mock the testapi to execute a "happy path" of a test, e.g. assert_screen always succeeds and such 
 * provide means to select the mock as either a "null backend" or a mode executing the test distribution locally, e.g. "--dry-run" 
 * provide a way to configure this mode to simulate different real backends or machine types 
 * optional: provide "failing assert_screen" and such to cover more execution paths 

 ## further details 
 **benefit**: By using this we can give a first hint to test distribution developers which code path they are touching, which variables are involved, etc. Another use case is the detection of unused test modules based on variable sets.
