


action #11182

Updated by RBrownSUSE about 8 years ago

Test Description 
 During YaST installation, a user expects to be able to be able to do the following from the Suggested Partitioning Screen (eg ) 

 - Click Edit Proposal Settings - Popup appears 
 - Press tickbox or keyboard shortuct (alt-s) for Enlarge Swap for Suspend - Confirm tick box is selected 
 - Click Ok 

 openQA implementation advice 

 Crate a new file in 
 Suggested name 
 Have the file do the tasks outlined above in a similar style to 

 End result must use at least the following openQA calls: 

 send_key - use it for keyboard shortcuts 
 assert_screen - use it for confirming UI elements are present and for tickboxes are selected correctly 

 NOTE in order for NOTE: I suspect this test to work, you will need to set your openQA scenario to include *might* fail when run against SLE 12 SP2, and possibly other SLE 12 releases..that is the variable QEMURAM with point..if the test fails, but does everything that a value that is probably 4098 or larger 
 Otherwise the default swapsize SLE user suspects, this test will detect will already still be large enough merged and this menu option will bugs can be greyed out. 

 Once filed to ensure the test is written, also edit products/sle/ and products/opensuse/ and add the following lines after the line "loadtest "installation/";" 

 if (get_var("ENLARGESWAP") && get_var("QEMURAM", 1024) > 4098) { 
     loadtest "installation/"; 
 } bugs get fixed 
