


action #10960

Updated by okurz over 8 years ago

## observation 
 Starting with early Friday, 2016-02-26, a performance regression on o.s.d was notified. I could reproduce what looks like the issue at hand locally. Enabling SQL query debugging this is how the logfile looks like when accessing e.g. `/group_overview/25` 

 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:18 2016] [debug] Routing to controller "OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::Test" and action "overview" 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:18 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 0.00022697 seconds executed: SELECT,, me.size_limit_gb, me.keep_logs_in_days, me.t_created, me.t_updated FROM job_groups me WHERE ( = ? ): '25'. 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:21 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 2.80118012 seconds executed: SELECT, me.slug, me.result_dir, me.state, me.priority, me.result, me.worker_id, me.test, me.clone_id, me.retry_avbl, me.backend, me.backend_info, me.group_id, me.t_started, me.t_finished, me.t_created, me.t_updated,, settings.key, settings.value, settings.job_id, settings.t_created, settings.t_updated, parents.child_job_id, parents.parent_job_id, parents.dependency, children.child_job_id, children.parent_job_id, children.dependency FROM jobs me LEFT JOIN job_settings settings ON settings.job_id = LEFT JOIN job_dependencies parents ON parents.child_job_id = LEFT JOIN job_dependencies children ON children.parent_job_id = WHERE ( ( me.clone_id IS NULL AND me.group_id = ? AND IN ( SELECT me.job_id FROM job_settings me LEFT JOIN job_settings siblings ON siblings.job_id = me.job_id LEFT JOIN job_settings siblings_2 ON siblings_2.job_id = me.job_id WHERE ( ( ( me.key = ? AND me.value = ? ) AND ( siblings.key = ? AND siblings.value = ? ) AND ( siblings_2.key = ? AND siblings_2.value = ? ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER BY DESC: '25', 'DISTRI', 'sle', 'VERSION', '12-SP2', 'BUILD', '1186'. 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:22 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 0.78418899 seconds executed: SELECT, me.slug, me.result_dir, me.state, me.priority, me.result, me.worker_id, me.test, me.clone_id, me.retry_avbl, me.backend, me.backend_info, me.group_id, me.t_started, me.t_finished, me.t_created, me.t_updated,, settings.key, settings.value, settings.job_id, settings.t_created, settings.t_updated, parents.child_job_id, parents.parent_job_id, parents.dependency, children.child_job_id, children.parent_job_id, children.dependency FROM jobs me LEFT JOIN job_settings settings ON settings.job_id = LEFT JOIN job_dependencies parents ON parents.child_job_id = LEFT JOIN job_dependencies children ON children.parent_job_id = WHERE ( ( me.clone_id IS NULL AND me.group_id = ? AND IN ( SELECT me.job_id FROM job_settings me LEFT JOIN job_settings siblings ON siblings.job_id = me.job_id LEFT JOIN job_settings siblings_2 ON siblings_2.job_id = me.job_id WHERE ( ( ( me.key = ? AND me.value = ? ) AND ( siblings.key = ? AND siblings.value = ? ) AND ( siblings_2.key = ? AND siblings_2.value = ? ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER BY DESC: '25', 'DISTRI', 'sle', 'VERSION', '12-SP2', 'BUILD', '1186'. 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:27 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 4.06245685 seconds executed: SELECT me.job_id, me.result, me.soft_failure, COUNT( id ) FROM job_modules me WHERE ( job_id IN (…). 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:27 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 0.76173782 seconds executed: SELECT, me.slug, me.result_dir, me.state, me.priority, me.result, me.worker_id, me.test, me.clone_id, me.retry_avbl, me.backend, me.backend_info, me.group_id, me.t_started, me.t_finished, me.t_created, me.t_updated,, settings.key, settings.value, settings.job_id, settings.t_created, settings.t_updated, parents.child_job_id, parents.parent_job_id, parents.dependency, children.child_job_id, children.parent_job_id, children.dependency FROM jobs me LEFT JOIN job_settings settings ON settings.job_id = LEFT JOIN job_dependencies parents ON parents.child_job_id = LEFT JOIN job_dependencies children ON children.parent_job_id = WHERE ( ( me.clone_id IS NULL AND me.group_id = ? AND IN ( SELECT me.job_id FROM job_settings me LEFT JOIN job_settings siblings ON siblings.job_id = me.job_id LEFT JOIN job_settings siblings_2 ON siblings_2.job_id = me.job_id WHERE ( ( ( me.key = ? AND me.value = ? ) AND ( siblings.key = ? AND siblings.value = ? ) AND ( siblings_2.key = ? AND siblings_2.value = ? ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER BY DESC: '25', 'DISTRI', 'sle', 'VERSION', '12-SP2', 'BUILD', '1186'. 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:28 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 0.00085783 seconds executed: SELECT, me.job_id, me.group_id, me.text, me.user_id, me.hidden, me.t_created, me.t_updated FROM comments me WHERE ( job_id IN (…). 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:28 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 0.59689903 seconds executed: SELECT, me.job_id,, me.script, me.category, me.soft_failure, me.milestone, me.important, me.fatal, me.result, me.t_created, me.t_updated FROM job_modules me WHERE ( ( me.job_id = ? AND result = ? ) ): '219522', 'failed'. 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:28 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 0.00040007 seconds executed: SELECT, me.slug, me.result_dir, me.state, me.priority, me.result, me.worker_id, me.test, me.clone_id, me.retry_avbl, me.backend, me.backend_info, me.group_id, me.t_started, me.t_finished, me.t_created, me.t_updated FROM jobs me WHERE ( = ? ): '219522'. 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:28 2016] [debug] reading /var/lib/openqa/testresults/00219522-sle-12-SP2-Server-DVD-s390x-Build1186-gnome/details-installation_overview.json 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:29 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 0.60596800 seconds executed: SELECT, me.job_id,, me.script, me.category, me.soft_failure, me.milestone, me.important, me.fatal, me.result, me.t_created, me.t_updated FROM job_modules me WHERE ( ( me.job_id = ? AND result = ? ) ): '219521', 'failed'. 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:29 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 0.00020695 seconds executed: SELECT, me.slug, me.result_dir, me.state, me.priority, me.result, me.worker_id, me.test, me.clone_id, me.retry_avbl, me.backend, me.backend_info, me.group_id, me.t_started, me.t_finished, me.t_created, me.t_updated FROM jobs me WHERE ( = ? ): '219521'. 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:29 2016] [debug] reading /var/lib/openqa/testresults/00219521-sle-12-SP2-Server-DVD-s390x-Build1186-minimal+base/details-installation_overview_before.json 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:29 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 0.63927102 seconds executed: SELECT, me.job_id,, me.script, me.category, me.soft_failure, me.milestone, me.important, me.fatal, me.result, me.t_created, me.t_updated FROM job_modules me WHERE ( ( me.job_id = ? AND result = ? ) ): '219518', 'failed'. 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:29 2016] [debug] [DBIx debug] Took 0.00028086 seconds executed: SELECT, me.slug, me.result_dir, me.state, me.priority, me.result, me.worker_id, me.test, me.clone_id, me.retry_avbl, me.backend, me.backend_info, me.group_id, me.t_started, me.t_finished, me.t_created, me.t_updated FROM jobs me WHERE ( = ? ): '219518'. 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:50:29 2016] [debug] reading /var/lib/openqa/testresults/00219518-sle-12-SP2-Server-DVD-s390x-Build1186-textmode/details-installer_timezone.json 
 [Sat Feb 27 19:5 

 So what I see is many entries like 
 Took 0.63927102 seconds executed: SELECT, … FROM job_modules me WHERE ( ( me.job_id = ? AND result = ? ) ): '219518', 'failed'. 

 ## steps to reproduce 
 * load database dump 2016-02-26 from o.s.d into local PostgreSQL database (e.g. `sudo -u geekotest createdb openqa_suse_de_2016-02-26 && sudo -u geekotest pg_restore -d openqa_suse_de_2016-02-26 --role=geekotest ~/local/os-autoinst/openQA/local/SQL-DUMPS/`) 
 * configure local openQA to load this database, e.g. 

 $ mkdir -p local && echo > local/stage_openqa_suse_de_2016-02-26/database.ini << EOF 
 > [stage] 
 > dsn = dbi:Pg:dbname=openqa 
 > user = geekotest 
 > EOF 

 * load openQA with this database and SQL queries, e.g. 

 $ time sudo -u geekotest OPENQA_SQL_DEBUG=1 OPENQA_CONFIG=local/stage_openqa_suse_de_2016-02-26 OPENQA_DATABASE=stage script/openqa get '/tests/overview?distri=sle&version=12-SP2&build=1201&groupid=25' 
 * observe super long loading time and slow queries 

 ## problem 
 The overall processing time is way to long, main waiting time from queries. My (okurz) local tests yield 

 real 	 0m59.996s 
 user 	 0m1.472s 
 sys 	 0m0.056s 
 to render the request as shown in "steps to reproduce" 

 H1. *REJECTED* - A machine specific problem (DONE: REJECTED, could be reproduced locally) 
 H2. Recent openQA changes introduced a performance regression 
 H3. The database got weird because of recent openQA changes 
 H4. The database got weird due to other effects 

 ## suggestion 

 E1-1. DONE: Try to reproduce locally -> could be reproduced 
 E2-1. Crosscheck with older version, e.g. the one used before last upgrade on o.s.d, if confirmed, git bisect to find culprit 
 E3-1. Run an older database dump with recent openQA 
 E4-1. @waitfor E2-1+E3-1, if both fail, accept H4 TODO
