action #10212
Updated by okurz about 9 years ago
## User stories [[Wiki#User-story-1|US1]], [[Wiki#User-story-3|US3]], [[Wiki#User-story-5|US5]] ## acceptance criteria * **AC1:** A *label* can *can be *made made visible* to every failed test bubble in the build overview page * **AC2:** If at least all failed tests are labeled, a *badge* is displayed on the job group overview page ## tasks * Add an optional simple one-letter link/badge/label to build overview for every test * Add the label based on data in the test itself, e.g. comment present * optional: Add description field to test, also see * Add label based on description * Add badge to build on group overview page based on labels in the build overview ask okurz for further details ## further details * *label*: symbol/text that can be set by a user * *can be made visible*: By any mean, e.g. writing a comment, clicking a button, filling a text field, using a CLI tool * *badge*: should be a symbol showing that a review has been completed on a build, e.g. a star or similar Regarding **AC2** it might be hard to label all failing tests in a build as many of them might have a common cause and it would be tedious to select every failing test if we know the reason is the same. It might help if a label or description is preserved for a build that is still failing like in ask okurz for further details