


action #50177

Updated by oorlov about 5 years ago

## Motivation: 

 Currently there are several bootloader test modules (bootloader, (boorloader, bootloader_zkvm, bootloader_uefi etc.) that are scheduled in 

 The conditional logic is too complex for declarative scheduling that is planned to be applied to all YaST test suites. 

 In order to simplify migrating to declarative scheduling, as a simple and straightforward workaround it is decided to extract the conditional logic to one 'bootloader' test module and use it there. 

 ## Acceptance Criteria 

 **AC1:** Only one, common bootloader module is used for the scheduling; 
 **AC2:** All the conditional logic deciding which bootloader should be executed for the certain system configuration is moved to the common bootloader module; 
 **AC3:** All existing test suites that are using bootloader modules still passing. 
