


action #49196

Updated by riafarov over 5 years ago

See motivation in parent ticket. To start with refactoring, we decided to set expectation, so it's easier to verify if now preconditions are fulfilled. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 1. RAID0/1/5/6/10 partitioning is validated after installation for all architectures and distributions where is executed (SLE 12/15, Leap 15.1, TW) 

 NOTE: Test modules are executed on staging as well, please, test your changes. 

 Refactoring of the partitioning_raid module is out of scope here. 

 ## Suggestion 
 * Check RAID partitions 
 * Check mount points 
 * Validate partitions in RAID 
 * Check boot partitions with mount points (optional) 
