


coordination #36709

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

## Motivation 
 As a developer I want to see test suite description on the test run page (not only in the job group overview) and additionally include it in the bug template, so it's clear which scenario is it. 

 Sometimes, when bug is created, it's not clear what is the setup. On top it would be nice to have test module description to understand what the test does. 
 This information is already there and we can simply extract it. It will also help to maintain proper description of the test suites and test modules. 

 As of now we force putting these details manually, but still it happens that one believes that failure is obvious but it's not. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** 1. Test suite description can be found on the test run page -> #45887 
 * **AC2:** 2. Test suite description is at least referenced in the bug creation template
