


action #44753

Updated by riafarov over 5 years ago

See motivation in the parent ticket. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 1. Fully working solution is provided, feedback is collected and follow-up tasks are evaluated 

 ## Suggestions 
 1. Understand what test really does 
 2. Separate the behavior by versions of the partitioner (Sle12 SP4 has old partitioner, Sle15 Sp0 - partitioner with changed UI, Sle15 SP1, Leap15.1, TW - with more changes in UI); 
 3. 2. Test module should call same behavior methods, but they should be implemented differently, depending on the version of partitioner (e.g. Use enable_encryption() method in the test module without caring of how it is actually implemented). 
 4. PR should aim DoD we have for other tickets, but might get not get merged 
 5. PR should be easy to review (relevant splits per commit)
