


action #39017

Updated by riafarov over 5 years ago

openSUSE is moving to using the same yast system_role module as SLE 15 

 These changes are currently in Staging:D, but should be already reaching TW and Leap 15.1 fairly soon. 
 See parent ticket and #39014 , as role selection already works. Staging:D 

 NOTE: Soon after this test was run the decision was made to remove the "Custom" option on the screen also 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * openSUSE Tumbleweed & 15.1 should use the system_role test module instead of desktopselection 
 * old test behaviour will need to be preserved for 15.0 and earlier (for maintenance) 
 * minimalX, lxde, xfce desktop selection works using new flow with system roles 

 ## Suggestions 
 There are 2 possible ways: 
 a) Select Server role and select required patterns as software 
 b) Select Gnome role and unselect gnome, and select patterns for minimalX/lxde/xfce  
 See as it can be reused to unselect some patterns after default installation.
