


action #39713

Updated by riafarov almost 6 years ago

upgrade tests need to include 15.0 

 ## Acceptance criteria 

 * **AC1:** Leap 15.1 validation tests on o3 include upgrade from 15.0 to 15.1 for the same scenarios we cover for older base products 

 ## Suggestions 

 * Take a look into existing upgrade test cases, e.g. DVD/NETā€¦upgrade/update/dup 
 * Apply the same tests for the base 15.0 
 * Make sure that Leap is a subset of TW tests, i.e. add the corresponding test case to TW if not existant 
 * If necessary provide a static image on o3:/var/lib/openqa/share/factory/hdd/fixed, e.g. based on latest 15.0 GM image or maintenance test derived 
 * Start with TW (upgrade of from 15.0 to TW), if works smoothly, add same test suite for 15.1 if not split the ticket
