


coordination #37114

Updated by okurz about 6 years ago

## Acceptance criteria Explaination 
 * **AC1:** We have specific test scenarios for each public cloud provider enabling PCM during installation and selecting the corresponding patterns in each scenario 

 ## Suggestions --- 
 * Add testsuite for google cloud 
 * Add testsuite for AWS 
 * Add testsuite for Microsoft Azure 
 * Ensure the other "allmodules" and "allmodules+allpatterns" tests do not enable PCM 

 ## Further details 

 As explained in [comment#9 of bsc#1094879]( the google-compute-engine should not be installed on regular systems but only on systems running in the google cloud. 
 This requires us to exclude this module from all tests, even the allmodules tests. 

 However, it makes sense to cover Acceptance criteria  

 * All tests we have don't install the patterns offered in SLE in our test scenarios locally so that we can detect "trivial" packaging/pattern problems early before going into real cloud. Google-Cloud module any longer
