


action #37495

Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago

## Observation 

 openQA test in scenario opensuse-15.0-DVD-aarch64-kde@aarch64 fails in 
 with a confusing show of screenshots. 
 You see in that the prompt shows up. After that the password is actually typed. Then in it looks like the same window is still there but it is *not the same window*. It is popping up *again*. The real error message can be seen in the background xterm window, amarok could simply (open)SUSE users use zypper or yast (if they are not be installed. using some desktop applet). 
 The actual problem "requires taglib >= 1.7 but this requirement can not be provided" 

 ## Acceptance criteria 

 * **AC1:** The error that the package is not installable is made obvious 
 * **AC2:** Also in this case So we would fall back to should also use zypper 

 ## Suggestions 

 * See ACs 
 * Also think about removing the for loop because it seems to not help as expected regular package installation and rather hides real errors 

 ## Further details 

 Always latest result in this scenario: [latest]( 
 add some single test that will check that pkcon works.
