action #91187
closedcoordination #91139: [qe-core][epic] add QEM exclusive tests to product QE runs to increase coverage
[qe-core] Add existing tomcat test module to Product QE functional
After comparing test coverage of SLE 15 SP2 and SP3 in opneQA I identified several tests that are exclusive to either pre-release or post-release testing and could be easily used to increase our coverage just by using what we already have.
It is possible that are some errors and some of the tests from the list are already being used. It is also just my opinion, therefor review from other colleagues is more then welcome.
These are the X11 tests that run only after release and could be used also before the release (QEM -> product QE)
Updated by tjyrinki_suse almost 4 years ago
- Category set to New test
- Status changed from New to Workable
Updated by zluo almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to zluo
take over to check how to schedule these modules for QE on OSD.
Updated by zluo almost 4 years ago
I found an issue related to zypper in tomcat packages:
and the repository 'Web_and Scripting' is not available on qcow2 image which created after sles 15 sp3 DVD Online installation, therefor it failed at moment:
Test died: 'zypper -n in tomcat tomcat-webapps tomcat-admin-webapps' failed with code 104 (ZYPPER_EXIT_INF_CAP_NOT_FOUND)
Updated by zluo almost 4 years ago
piglit cannot be found.
Updated by tjyrinki_suse almost 4 years ago
Seems like piglit test was added by Ondřej Súkup in 2017, but the package piglit has never been part of SLE. If you check the test suite, it's using PIGLIT_REPO= - currently there's only 15-SP1 and 15-SP2 over there. I think it's probably a good external test suite to test desktop functionality of SLE, but maybe not for our team specifically. Could be suggested to Desktop team however.
Updated by zluo almost 4 years ago
Then we should not add piglit since we cannot/shouldn't use maintaince repo for functional tests in general. So I would like to suggest to skip it, just schedule tomcat test case. Even for tomcat I see a little problem because we need to create hdd of allmodules-allpatterns-gnome at first. I will think about it.
Updated by zluo almost 4 years ago
yaml schedule created:
Updated by zluo almost 4 years ago
add tomcat into jobgroup:
Updated by zluo almost 4 years ago
- Subject changed from [qe-core] Add existing X11 QEM tests to Product QE to [qe-core] Add existing tomcat test module to Product QE functional
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
tomcat is scheduled now and it works without issue.