communication #80644
closed2021-01-05 19:00 UTC: openSUSE Heroes meeting January 2021
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
When: 2021-01-05 19:00 UTC / 20:00 CET
Who: The openSUSE Heroes team and everybody else!
see/use checklist
- Questions and answers from the community
- status reports about everything
- review old tickets
Updated by cboltz about 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
2021-01-05 heroes meeting
- Lars: OSes need maintenance updates installed regularly, especially for services reachable from the Internet
- galera machines had broken salt setup ; applied on galera3
- bad python upgrade broke weblate ; fixed by update
- mailman UTF8/base64 encoding remains original encoding now - probably due to footer dropping
- archive search not working - indexer never finished from Oom (VM has only 4GB)
- vbulletin upgrade forum migration progress to move away from SLES-12 to Leap 15.2 ; might lose custom theming ; redo theme with minimal effort because we will switch to discourse soon
- migration is tricky because user accounts are not aligned
- forums might have used ML RSS feed and broke 2020-11-10 with the migration to mailman3
- meet2.infra.o.o not in DNS, allows no ssh :-( ; bmwiedemann's key added can jump via scar.infra.o.o ssh
- moodle server not salted
- moving openSUSE services into cloud
- both US and EU to provide lower latencies to users
- need to itemize existing servers
- should be a separate account from SUSE's - maybe owned by a future Foundation?