action #73129
opencoordination #71926: [epic] t/14-grutasks.t takes multiple minutes within circleCI, only 6s locally (but errors but still succeeds?), and no log output visible in circleCI
t/14-grutasks.t takes multiple minutes within circleCI, only 6s locally
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
[14:37:26] t/14-grutasks.t ........................................... ok 274117 ms ( 0.22 usr 0.00 sys + 260.33 cusr 9.39 csys = 269.94 CPU)
but locally we have something like:
[21:33:58] t/14-grutasks.t .. 34/? [2020-09-26 21:34:04.39357] [15810] [error] Gru job error: No job ID specified.
[2020-09-26 21:34:04.44377] [15814] [error] Gru job error: Job 98765 does not exist.
[2020-09-26 21:34:04.51354] [15817] [error] Gru job error: Finalizing results of 1 modules failed
[21:33:58] t/14-grutasks.t .. ok 5976 ms ( 0.08 usr 0.01 sys + 3.34 cusr 0.90 csys = 4.33 CPU)
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=36, 6 wallclock secs ( 0.10 usr 0.01 sys + 3.34 cusr 0.90 csys = 4.35 CPU)
Result: PASS
so insane long runtime within circleCI compared to just 6s locally (next to error messages).
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC2: Runtime within CI is comparable to local runtime, e.g. less than 30s
Out of scope¶
- In case excessive runtime is reproducible in any environment, e.g. only within CI, with Devel::Cover, in a container, etc., then find a way to reduce runtime significantly
Updated by okurz about 4 years ago
- Copied from coordination #71926: [epic] t/14-grutasks.t takes multiple minutes within circleCI, only 6s locally (but errors but still succeeds?), and no log output visible in circleCI added