action #71587
closed[sle][migration][SLE15SP3] Automation for
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30.00 h
Added by coolgw over 4 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.
HPC Packages are versioned. Multiple versions may be installed on the same system in parallel. To support the HPC workflow, keep versions of selected HPC packages from previous SPs built for environment modules in the new service pack.
The main task would be to test this and make sure it works for every package.
Testing workflow:
1.Install previous SP (SLE-HPC text mode profile)
2.Make a list of installed packages ('rpm -qa')
3. Install all 'library wrappers' (packages matching -hpc, not having a version number with '_' after their name).
4. Make a list of installed packages and diff against list from 2.
5. From the diff extract the list of HPC library packages (packages matching *-hpc*) with 'underscored' version numbers after the package name) and save this list.
6. Perform a migration
7. Confirn all packages in the list generated in 5. remain installed.
As the feature status is OPEN
Added two cases