



action #65837


[easy] rpmlint warnings to fix

Added by okurz almost 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Feature requests
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From a current

[ 1017s] RPMLINT report:
[ 1017s] ===============
[ 1020s] openQA-common.noarch: W: dangling-symlink /var/lib/openqa/script /usr/share/openqa/script
[ 1020s] The target of the symbolic link does not exist within this package or its file
[ 1020s] based dependencies.  Verify spelling of the link target and that the target is
[ 1020s] included in a package in this package's dependency chain.
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: incoherent-logrotate-file /etc/logrotate.d/openqa
[ 1020s] Your logrotate file should be named /etc/logrotate.d/<package name>.
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: name-repeated-in-summary C openQA
[ 1020s] openQA.src: W: name-repeated-in-summary C openQA
[ 1020s] The name of the package is repeated in its summary.  This is often redundant
[ 1020s] information and looks silly in various programs' output.  Make the summary
[ 1020s] brief and to the point without including redundant information in it.
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-executable-script /usr/share/openqa/dbicdh/_common/upgrade/87-88/ 644 /usr/bin/perl 
[ 1020s] This text file contains a shebang or is located in a path dedicated for
[ 1020s] executables, but lacks the executable bits and cannot thus be executed.  If
[ 1020s] the file is meant to be an executable script, add the executable bits,
[ 1020s] otherwise remove the shebang or move the file elsewhere.
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-root-user-log-file /var/log/openqa geekotest
[ 1020s] If you need log files owned by a non-root user, just create a subdir in
[ 1020s] /var/log and put your log files in it.
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA-worker.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /etc/openqa/client.conf _openqa-worker
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /etc/openqa/database.ini geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /etc/openqa/openqa.ini geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA-worker.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/cache _openqa-worker
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/db geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/db/db.sqlite geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/images geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA-worker.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/pool/1 _openqa-worker
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/share/factory geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/share/factory/hdd geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/share/factory/iso geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/share/factory/other geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/share/factory/repo geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/share/tests geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/testresults geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/webui geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/openqa/webui/cache geekotest
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/log/openqa geekotest
[ 1020s] A file in this package is owned by an unregistered user id. To register the
[ 1020s] user, please branch the devel:openSUSE:Factory:rpmlint rpmlint package,  add
[ 1020s] the user to the "config" file and send a submitrequest.
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA-devel.noarch: W: suse-filelist-empty packages without any files are discouraged in SUSE
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: suse-missing-rclink openqa-enqueue-asset-cleanup
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: suse-missing-rclink openqa-enqueue-audit-event-cleanup
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: suse-missing-rclink openqa-enqueue-bug-cleanup
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: suse-missing-rclink openqa-enqueue-result-cleanup
[ 1020s] openQA-local-db.noarch: W: suse-missing-rclink openqa-setup-db
[ 1020s] openQA-worker.noarch: W: suse-missing-rclink openqa-worker-cacheservice
[ 1020s] openQA-worker.noarch: W: suse-missing-rclink openqa-worker-cacheservice-minion
[ 1020s] The package contains an init script or systemd service file but lacks the
[ 1020s] symlink /usr/sbin/rcFOO -> /usr/sbin/service
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: systemd-service-without-service_add_post openqa-livehandler.service
[ 1020s] The package contains a systemd service but doesn't contain a %post with a call
[ 1020s] to service_add_post.
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: systemd-service-without-service_add_pre openqa-livehandler.service
[ 1020s] openQA-local-db.noarch: W: systemd-service-without-service_add_pre openqa-setup-db.service
[ 1020s] The package contains a systemd service but doesn't contain a %pre with a call
[ 1020s] to service_add_pre.
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: systemd-service-without-service_del_postun openqa-livehandler.service
[ 1020s] The package contains a systemd service but doesn't contain a %postun with a
[ 1020s] call to service_del_postun.
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: systemd-service-without-service_del_preun openqa-livehandler.service
[ 1020s] The package contains a systemd service but doesn't contain a %preun with a
[ 1020s] call to service_del_preun.
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA-worker.noarch: W: tmpfile-not-in-filelist /var/lib/openqa/share
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: tmpfile-not-in-filelist /var/lib/openqa/share/factory/tmp
[ 1020s] please add the specified file to your %files section as %ghost so users can
[ 1020s] easily query who created the file, it gets uninstalled on package removal and
[ 1020s] finally other rpmlint checks see it
[ 1020s] 
[ 1020s] openQA-doc.noarch: W: zero-length /usr/share/doc/packages/openQA-doc/images/
[ 1020s] openQA.noarch: W: zero-length /usr/share/openqa/templates/webapi/branding/plain/sponsorbox.html.ep
[ 1020s] 10 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 41 warnings.
Actions #1

Updated by okurz over 4 years ago

  • Target version set to future

Also available in: Atom PDF