action #62399
closedOpensuse SCALE special sticker
Is it all possible to get a sticker of Geeko in a hamock or some other "california" activity that Geeko is having fun with for SCALE 18x? Something of LCP's design would be amazing as the Opensuse XFCE sticker was super popular.
Updated by vinzv about 5 years ago
- Due date set to 2020-02-05
SCALE 18x starts on March 5th, so a deadline in early February should leave enough time for production.
Updated by vinzv about 5 years ago
For anyone not knowing the openSUSE Xfce sticker:
Updated by hellcp about 5 years ago
- File scale-sticker.png scale-sticker.png added
- File scale-sticker.svg scale-sticker.svg added
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
This is my approach to it :P
Updated by Mir_ppc about 5 years ago
Looking good. now to hear back from Drew and Doug. :)
Updated by vinzv about 5 years ago
SCALE 18x is starting on only a few days. Did this work out for you having the stickers ready?
Updated by Mir_ppc about 5 years ago
vinzv wrote:
SCALE 18x is starting on only a few days. Did this work out for you having the stickers ready?
The Sickers arrived and look good. I will let you know how they do at SCALE.
Updated by Mir_ppc almost 5 years ago
The Event was a success with zero stickers left over (cept for the ones i saved for a LUG group). Thank you so much for making SCALE special this year. Attached is the Opensuse Booth picture. In the Background is the banner that was the inspiration for the sticker design.