action #62129
openShop stuff
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
LCP has been working on getting new stuff to the shop, based on the poll.
AI: LCP to publish results of the shop stuff poll
Updated by vinzv about 5 years ago
- Checklist item changed from to [ ] LCP to publish results of the shop stuff poll
Updated by hellcp about 5 years ago
- File poll.png poll.png added
- File openSUSE Shop.csv openSUSE Shop.csv added
Have the materials, I will write up summary at a later date
Updated by vinzv almost 5 years ago
- Checklist item changed from to [x] LCP to publish results of the shop stuff poll
Updated by hellcp over 4 years ago
Can we maybe call for a jitsi meeting on this topic, so we can discuss the actions we will take to support the things the users want to buy from the shop?