action #47987
openIdentify unused media, testsuites, machines, etc.
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Motivation¶ is quite long and I bet there are unused testsuites that we do not know how to easily identify them to delete them and therefore have a cleaner setup with the additional benefit that the page loads faster.
Acceptance criteria¶
- Admins or users of the system can regularly identify unused media, testsuites, machines, etc. easily
Updated by okurz over 5 years ago
- Related to coordination #55730: [epic] Move parameters from test suites into job groups added
Updated by okurz over 5 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version set to future
What I did now in #55730#note-19 is to query the database for test suites which are not referenced in any job template and delete them. This could be offered over the API but in general I am not so sure if database access is not good enough for some admin tasks.