action #4108
closedRelease Marketing
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
(Total: 10.00 h)
Main task for Release Marketing:
- Social media marketing
- Sneek Peaks
- Release Parties
- Updated openSUSE websites
Updated by lnussel about 10 years ago
- Copied from action #421: Release Marketing added
Updated by lnussel about 10 years ago
- Start date changed from 2013-10-21 to 2013-10-31
due to changes in a related task
Updated by lnussel about 10 years ago
- Start date changed from 2013-10-31 to 2013-10-28
due to changes in a related task
Updated by lnussel about 10 years ago
- Start date changed from 2013-10-28 to 2013-10-21
due to changes in a related task
Updated by lnussel about 10 years ago
- Category set to Marketing
- Target version set to 13.2 GA
Updated by lnussel about 10 years ago
- Start date changed from 2013-10-30 to 2014-10-13
due to changes in a related task