



tickets #40739


Please add a way to remove outdated mirrors from

Added by almost 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

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Several mirrors listed in are heavily outdated

For example (as of today) (synced 7th
of Sept)

(synced 5th of Sept) (synced
24th of August) (synced
7 Dec 2017!)

Other mirrors in are completely dead


I could go on and on but it would be nice if there was an automated way
to notify you about broken, outdated and unreachable mirrors in order to
ensure that mirrorbrain is not redirecting users to /dev/null

Thank you


SUSE LINUX GmbH | GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton
HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg) Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409, Nürnberg

Actions #1

Updated by pjessen almost 6 years ago

  • Category set to Mirrors
  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Private changed from Yes to No

mirrorbrain does regular scanning of all mirrors and should be aware of these. Users are not directed to out-of-date mirrors. If you believe mirrorbrain is not aware, that is a real problem.

I think automatically removing mirrors is a bad idea - while some have intentionally stopped mirroring, e.g. and others may have stopped by accident, script failure, ip change etc.

What I do is try to contact operators of apparently dead mirrors and see if they can be re-activated. If not, we can tidy up the database,
which is I do every so often.

I have opened separate tickets for tidying up - - -

If you see others, please open tickets.

Actions #2

Updated by markoschandras almost 6 years ago

I am not sure if mirrorbrain is having issues or not but as I explained on first post, you see there are some outdated or dead mirrors there. Maybe it's just the past that needs updating? I am not sure if mirrorbrain would try to redirect you to any of these.

But what about though? This box is down for quite a while so we are forced to pick another rsync mirror by hand because there is no mirrorbrain for rsync is there? So in cases like this, it's a shot in the dark whether an rsync mirror we pick is updated or not. If there is mirrobrain for rsync.o.o how can we use it?

Actions #3

Updated by pjessen almost 6 years ago

markoschandras wrote:

I am not sure if mirrorbrain is having issues or not but as I explained on first post, you see there are some outdated or dead mirrors there.
Maybe it's just the past that needs updating? I am not sure if mirrorbrain would try to redirect you to any of these.

No, mirrorbrain wouldn't - that would invalidate the whole design.

Keeping an eye on out-of-date mirrors would - currently - be a manual task. I am not aware of any MB hook that might enable a direct alert to someone.
It would be interesting to investigate though.

But what about though? This box is down for quite a while so we are forced to pick another rsync mirror by hand because
there is no mirrorbrain for rsync is there?

No, there is no MB for rsync, although the mirrors are listed indicating if they support rsync or not.
rsync.o.o is a separate machine, not part of the mirroring system as such. It's been down due to hardware failure. I
thought it was fixed though. I'll ask thomic tomorrow.

So in cases like this, it's a shot in the dark whether an rsync mirror we pick is updated or not. If there is mirrobrain for rsync.o.o how can we use it?

At the moment it doesn't work - I can only advise you to use "known" good rsync sites, for instance.

Actions #4

Updated by markoschandras almost 6 years ago

pjessen wrote:

So in cases like this, it's a shot in the dark whether an rsync mirror we pick is updated or not. If there is mirrobrain for rsync.o.o how can we use it?

At the moment it doesn't work - I can only advise you to use "known" good rsync sites, for instance.

Unfortunately even is not so good either (last sync 11 Sept ~5am GMT) (last sync 08 Sept). So either broke or it sync less often than usual

Anyway, as it seems, there is no good solution for rsync right now so we will keep picking random mirrors :/ But at least it would be beneficial for us if the webpage listed only the mirrors that are known to work and be updated (maybe autogenerated based on mirror metrics etc)

Actions #5

Updated by markoschandras almost 6 years ago

markoschandras wrote:

pjessen wrote:

So in cases like this, it's a shot in the dark whether an rsync mirror we pick is updated or not. If there is mirrobrain for rsync.o.o how can we use it?

At the moment it doesn't work - I can only advise you to use "known" good rsync sites, for instance.

Unfortunately even is not so good either (last sync 11 Sept ~5am GMT) (last sync 08 Sept). So either broke or it sync less often than usual

Anyway, as it seems, there is no good solution for rsync right now so we will keep picking random mirrors :/ But at least it would be beneficial for us if the webpage listed only the mirrors that are known to work and be updated (maybe autogenerated based on mirror metrics etc)

Do you happen to have any information about ? Some OBS repositories do not seem to have been synced for a couple of days now. It takes us a lot of effort to switch mirrors in OpenStack so I though to ask here first before we go through that process again.


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