action #39998
closedopenSUSE:Leap:15.1:PowerPC missing iso builds
openSUSE:Leap:15.1:PowerPC missing iso builds
I am creating this issue because I do not see any progress about my requests by emails since July to Michal Suchaneck and Dirk Mueller.
For weeks there are missing files to generate iso in openSUSE:Leap:15.1:PowerPC project
Updated by dirkmueller over 6 years ago
Just to capture the information I already relayed to Michel before by email: I'm willing to help with PowerPC issues but I'm not going to step up as a ports-for-powerpc maintainer as my part-time-fun-job-of-keeping-the-ARM-builds-running is already more than saturating my available time for opensuse work.
I established the contact to Michal suchanek who (I was told) is keeping care of PowerPC efforts and added him as maintainer to the relevant projects.
Updated by michals over 6 years ago
I am not familiar with kiwi so I cannot say I will be able to provide these kiwi templates in the near future.
The general idea is that the templates can be extrapolated from existing templates for Leap15, SLE15, Leap15.1, SLE15.1, etc.
Updated by michel_mno about 6 years ago
I created a bug to track missing repo used by Net iso.
Updated by michel_mno about 6 years ago
Hi Michal, you said above there is a FTP repo available for mini CD, where to find it ? what url ? to be able to use it with mini CD.
Updated by michel_mno about 6 years ago
Status 20181109:
- net iso built (as per above comment#3), BUT no repo available for remote test => bsc#1113232
- How to access FTP repo referenced in comment#3 and comment#5 ?
- Still no DVD iso, blocked by two actions: * few packages marked as 'broken'; expecting action by Michal Suchaneck to remove _link
- blocked because many desktop packages useless for Server reported as missing; expecting action by Michal Suchaneck on 000packages-group and 000products
- ttm to be updated for PowerPC Leap 15.1 => wait merge of
Updated by michel_mno about 6 years ago
Why to close it ? I do not understand :( there is no visible actions for the different items listed in comment#6
Updated by lnussel about 6 years ago
- Due date set to 2018-09-28
- Status changed from Closed to In Progress
- Priority changed from High to Normal
- Target version set to Beta
I'm not really tracking ppc here
Updated by michel_mno about 6 years ago
michals wrote:
Thanks to coolo iso builds are now fixed.
What was really fixed ?
The dvd iso is still reported as failed as per osc jobhist output:
$osc jobhist -l10 openSUSE:Leap:15.1:PowerPC/000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le images local
time package reason code build time worker
2018-11-29 13:05:10 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le meta change failed 0m 33s typhoon2:3
2018-11-29 20:24:29 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le meta change failed 0m 32s typhoon2:2
2018-11-29 21:29:25 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le meta change failed 0m 32s typhoon2:4
2018-11-29 22:46:58 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le meta change failed 0m 32s typhoon2:1
2018-11-30 17:48:59 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le source change failed 0m 32s typhoon2:4
2018-11-30 17:50:19 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le source change failed 0m 31s typhoon2:4
2018-12-03 09:00:11 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le meta change failed 6m 10s typhoon2:2
2018-12-03 14:34:55 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le source change failed 0m 33s typhoon2:1
2018-12-03 14:41:12 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le source change failed 0m 31s typhoon2:4
2018-12-04 00:53:11 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le meta change failed 6m 34s typhoon2:3
Updated by michals about 6 years ago
Yes, it fails because nouveau is not built on ppc64le. Submitted an update for that so I expect it will be resolved in a month or two ;-)
Updated by michel_mno about 6 years ago
Where did you do the update ?
I am just looking at file in OBS and have a strange package name as extracted below:
<repopackage name=" xf86-video-nouveau not found on ppc64le"/>
Updated by michel_mno about 6 years ago
- previous fixed by Suchaneck was xf86-video-nouveau enabled for ppc64le as per sr
- ultimately dragged from sles15.1 to leap15.1 via
and dvd iso build succeeded as per jobhist:
$osc jobhist -l3 openSUSE:Leap:15.1:PowerPC/000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le images local time package reason code build time worker 2018-12-14 11:16:40 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le meta change failed 0m 41s typhoon2:3 2018-12-14 12:21:11 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le new build failed 0m 31s typhoon2:2 2018-12-14 13:31:29 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le source change succeeded 4m 0s typhoon2:1
BUT ToTest is empty ! so ttm is failing and not able to trigger openQA.
tracked by new issue
$osc list openSUSE:Leap:15.1:PowerPC:ToTest 000product
Server returned an error: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Assignee set to michel_mno
I assume michel_mno fixed it then? :)